By Patricia A. Ronzio, M.Ed., CHES on Friday, 06 July 2012
Category: Insight Learning

Holistic Health Solutions Depend on Personal Insight and Creativity

Do health and healing depend on personal creative insights? I believe they do, in multiple ways.

Creative problem solving, including insight, yields other benefits:

  1.     Insights lead to new solutions
  2.     New solutions create personal victories
  3.     Personal victories build self-confidence to meet health challenges

Patient education should include insight learning

Traditionally, patient education focuses on disease. A lot on treatment, some on prevention. But very little goes into patient empowerment.

Insight learning nurtures both self-empowerment and patient self-management. When encouraged in clinics and doctors’ offices, it becomes a win/win for patients and healthcare providers.

Do you think you have what it takes to solve those nagging health and stress challenges?

Share with us your experience in using intuition, creativity and insight to deal with a health issue.

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