Frequently Asked Questions
Wondering about coaching with me?
What Issues have clients worked on with you?
Clients and I have worked on health, wellness and fitness goals, weight loss, reducing stress, career issues, work-related issues, self-care, improving relationships, life transitions, de-cluttering, completing projects, life purpose and getting more happiness and joy out of life. You determine the focus of the coaching sessions and work at your own pace.
What if I don't live in Austin, TX?
The essence of my coaching service relies on phone/Skype/email communication so we can coach together no matter where you live!
Does coaching by phone/Skype really work?
Great question! I have been coaching by phone/skype since 2000, and have worked with clients in North America, Europe and Asia. My clients and I have found coaching by phone/Skype to be an efficient, effective and very flexible format.
Wherever you live we can work together... in the comfort of your own home or your parked car.
I understand I have to do my part, but what are you committed to?
New Paradigm Coaching Services centers on my commitment to guide clients through an empowering process that is built around my mind-body-spirit perspective and my research-based insight learning tool for transformative thinking. To provide a safe harbor for clients to share their most profound truths. To listen with unconditional love and compassion. To help women find breakthrough solutions so they no longer have to choose between their professional success and their health and happiness.
What guarantee can you give me that coaching will actually help?
The real key to Life Coaching is the trusting relationship that develops between you and me. For this reason I offer a complimentary consultation session, to be sure we are a match. Once you commit to coaching, then inspiration happens on the call. As long as we are both, (yes! me too!), open to change and growth, then our relationship becomes deeply transformative. I guarantee you will find the insights to propel your life forward.
Do you have a coaching philosophy or system?
I guide busy professional women through a four step empowering process [Insight-Empowered Stress Management System] to expand their capacity to make better choices and reduce their stress.
I'm not sure if I need therapy or coaching. How can I decide?
An important distinction! This analogy may be helpful. A therapist will sit in the back seat of a car with you and ask you to look into the rear view mirror to revisit past events and heal them. In contrast, as your Life Coach, I ask you to sit in the driver's seat, l sit next to you and invite you to look ahead and chart a new course for what is to come. Sometimes coaching will uncover a need for traditional therapy; some clients work with me and with a therapist at the same time. The important thing here is to get exactly what you need, whether it's coaching, therapy or both modalities simultaneously.
How do I get started?
Schedule your 30 minute complimentary consultation. During this free consultation we can explore how life coaching can help you. It is a wonderful opportunity to assess your needs; share how I work, answer any questions you may have and evaluate which coaching option will best meet your needs.
What happens after we agree to work together?
I will send you the New Paradigm Coaching Welcome Packet. This includes a coaching and confidentiality agreement, appropriate assessments and payment agreement.
Why "New Paradigm" Coaching?
Because making successful change in life is about making a paradigm shift. It's about changing thoughts and shifting beliefs. Moving out of a rut and seeing with new eyes leads to Insights and new solutions that build self-confidence to discover the real you beyond stress!